Monday, June 9, 2014

Hello there my faithful readers! I really am sorry for the wait, even if I do say so every time I post...Today I would like to tell you about an amazing 2-book series that I have really enjoyed so far. As you can hopefully see from the two images above, the series is known as the Eon or Dragoneye series. If you like an action book that features magic, mystery, and even some conspiracy, this series by Alison Goodman is definitely the one for you! And don't worry about it not lasting long, because both books are from 500-700 pages long.

Eon, which I am still in the process of reading, is about a 16-year-old girl who has the power to see all twelve dragons of the Dragoneyes. This power is unheard of amongst men, and even more so amongst women. And only men are allowed to become Dragoneyes. So Eona becomes a boy, and is known as Eon. No spoilers here, the novel makes these facts obvious from the beginning. But when she is chosen by the dragons and brings the Mirror Dragon back from hiding, she is thrust into the world of royalty and discovers a bit more than she bargained for. Corruption, thrilling action scenes, and a constant presence of suspense is what makes this series such a good one. Go now and read it! It'll be worth it, I promise! I mean, what book isn't worth reading?

Here's a link to the book for you:

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Hello fellow bloggers and readers alike! I haven't seen you guys for a while! How're you all doing? Some of you must be on spring break, which is lucky for you. Whoever else is just having a regular Wednesday filled with school, I feel for you. :)

Today, I have a new book, as usual. It's a new up-and-coming novel from a friend of my father's, and if you could get it out there, that would be great! The book is Ravenquest: Here Be Dragons by Benjamin "Raven" Pressley.

 Some of you fantasy readers might like it. This story is about an early Indian-type man who meets a beautiful woman from another tribe, who ends up accompanying him on his call to adventure to save Terra Zem. I've only read a couple pages, but I don't think this is my type of book. Hopefully one of you guys will like it. :)

Anyways, I've got to go, but I'll see you all again later, okay? Bye!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hey peoples!! Guess what? Okay, no guesses? Aww...

Seriously though, guess what? My BOB team won!!! We won! We got first place and now are headed to the Regionals competition!!! So happy! But I'll still write about Ender's Game pretty soon as well, so don't worry...

Big shout out to the rest of my team. That was awesome guys!! And Ms. Holub, my amazing librarian. She rocks!

Anyway, just wanted to tell whoever's listening. Have a great week guys!!!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Battle of the Books Stuffs

Hey everybody! I'm back, and right before the Battle of the Books tournament for middle school! It's actually tomorrow, but still. It should be very, um, interesting. Good or bad, I'm not quite sure. Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that because I won't be in Battle of the Books for then next couple of years (if I join again), then I'll be able to update a lot more! There may not be many of you that see and follow my blog, but those who do are very important to me. So big thanks to you, loyal readers. Tell your friends, okay? :)

I promised a friend of mine (if you're reading this, then you know who you are) that I would read the novel Ender's Game on February 26, which is on Wednesday. So, the next update will probably be about that. There you go. Hope you're excited, if you're a fan!

Well guys, I've got to go, but I hope you have an awesome week and be sure to wish my team and I good luck at our BOB tournament tomorrow! Until next time!

P.S. Here's the oddest word of the day I could find!

Word of the Day: Verisimilitudinous

Definition: Appearing true or real, being actually factual

Example: I'm not sure if the word "verisimilitudinous" is really verisimilitudinous. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

New Book: Eleanor and Park


Hey guys! I'm back! Oh my gosh, it's been over a month since I've updated last! Ouch. Really sorry about that. Guess I've just been really busy! :)

Anyway, just like always, I have a new book for you! I haven't read it yet, but I really want to. The mystery book is.... Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell! The book is supposed to be about two misfit kids, Eleanor and Park, set in the year 1986. Apparently, they fall in love. I'm not usually able to read romantic books (because of the, ah, lovey-dovey factor, I guess), but I've got the feeling that this book is not exactly what it seems to be.

You can find the summary at the link below, or just Google/Bing/Yahoo/etc. it. Go check it out!

Alright guys, I know it was short, but I have to go now. If you do read this book, I sincerely hope you enjoy it. Happy reading, my beloved viewers! Until next time!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Greetings, fellow readers! I am back from my far away land of distraction and have a new post for you! Honestly though, I am quite sorry that I haven't updated in nearly a month. I really need to fix this whole procrastination thing don't I? :)

Anyway, on to today's book, or rather, series of books! I read these books when I was in the third and fourth grade, but really, I would recommend them to anyone. The series I am talking about is the Warriors series! The Warriors Series isn't just one whole series though, it's many mini-series' that are linked together to tell the whole story. You can go to this webpage: 

to find all the books and the order they go in, because if I were to explain it, it probably wouldn't make any sense. Anyways, the full series is about different groups of cats who live in the forest and the challenges they face. Yes, sounds stupid, but it's so much more. They have their own system of training and turning them into "warriors". They each get their own special names, jobs, and spiritual duty. And the challenges these cats face is not always borne from the forest. 

These books kept me entertained for ages. I loved them and still do! If you're looking for a time consuming and amazing book series that'll keep you on the edge of your seat and love it, read the Warriors series by Erin Hunter!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Hello readers! Today is the day! Today I am updating about the third and final book that I won't shut up about! Any guesses? No? Maybe? Okay then. I won't tell you.... Who am I kidding? I have to say something! This book rocks!

I present to you...drum roll please... Champion by Marie Lu!!!! Author sound familiar? This novel is the third book in the Legend Trilogy! I was so excited when it came out! I finished it the first day!

If you have read the first two books (which you might want to do, seeing as how it wouldn't make sense otherwise) then probably understand how excited I was for this to come out. I can't describe how amazing this novel really is, there's just no words. This is probably the best book I have ever read, and that's saying something. Please, please read it if you can. It is.....epic, amazing, awesome,thrilling, non-stop brilliance, and so much more.

I just can't put it into words.

Everything falls into place in this novel. Somebody dies, but I won't say who. Could it be Day??? spoilers here! Gotta read this awesome series to find out!