Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Hello fellow bloggers and readers alike! I haven't seen you guys for a while! How're you all doing? Some of you must be on spring break, which is lucky for you. Whoever else is just having a regular Wednesday filled with school, I feel for you. :)

Today, I have a new book, as usual. It's a new up-and-coming novel from a friend of my father's, and if you could get it out there, that would be great! The book is Ravenquest: Here Be Dragons by Benjamin "Raven" Pressley.

 Some of you fantasy readers might like it. This story is about an early Indian-type man who meets a beautiful woman from another tribe, who ends up accompanying him on his call to adventure to save Terra Zem. I've only read a couple pages, but I don't think this is my type of book. Hopefully one of you guys will like it. :)

Anyways, I've got to go, but I'll see you all again later, okay? Bye!