Sunday, December 22, 2013

Greetings, fellow readers! I am back from my far away land of distraction and have a new post for you! Honestly though, I am quite sorry that I haven't updated in nearly a month. I really need to fix this whole procrastination thing don't I? :)

Anyway, on to today's book, or rather, series of books! I read these books when I was in the third and fourth grade, but really, I would recommend them to anyone. The series I am talking about is the Warriors series! The Warriors Series isn't just one whole series though, it's many mini-series' that are linked together to tell the whole story. You can go to this webpage: 

to find all the books and the order they go in, because if I were to explain it, it probably wouldn't make any sense. Anyways, the full series is about different groups of cats who live in the forest and the challenges they face. Yes, sounds stupid, but it's so much more. They have their own system of training and turning them into "warriors". They each get their own special names, jobs, and spiritual duty. And the challenges these cats face is not always borne from the forest. 

These books kept me entertained for ages. I loved them and still do! If you're looking for a time consuming and amazing book series that'll keep you on the edge of your seat and love it, read the Warriors series by Erin Hunter!

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